It Alone: The double-edged sword
a single parent woman, I know exactly how our society views
me and my children. Unless you have a partner standing next
to you, you will be scrutinized, judged and condemned with
distrust and shame.”
this scene by Juli
“The three women recognize the ritual they share as they turn their attention
back to the powerful focus of motherhood onto airplane, pilot, copilot, plane
mechanics, flight attendants, and the benevolent and just winds of the universe,
now in charge of delivering precious and irreplaceable cargo…”
Mom Watch
“I look at other moms. I look to see if they have the same look of exhaustion
and contemplative concern on their faces that appear to have become etched into
mine… I am looking for other women to join into the efforts to bring sanity,
equality and justice back into our lives and the lives of our children.”