it alone
The double-edged sword
I am
a single parent woman. Married women look at me sideways,
afraid that I will try to seduce their husbands. After all, everyone
wants one and I don’t have one; therefore common logic
suggests that I want hers. Husbands look at me sideways, they
are uncomfortable with me spending time with their wives; after
all, I have tremendous freedom, the kind that all women want.
Common logic suggests that I will convince your wife that she
should want the kind of freedom I have and she will leave you
for that freedom.
I am the failed representation
of womanhood and motherhood in American society. I cannot, could
not keep a man. I cannot provide the things for my children that
those of a two-parent household can provide. I cannot be a soccer
mom; I am at work. My children do not have bikes, or name brand
tennis shoes. My children are unsupervised in the afternoons, often
eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches washed down with water
as the sun slips below the horizon. Homework unfinished, unswept
floors, and dishes left in the sink from yesterday’s peanut
butter and jelly dinners.
I hear everywhere that
women should not stay in relationships that are damaging to them
or their children. Even Dear Abby speaks with great wisdom
as she instructs women to leave while they still can. However,
once that woman takes a step out the door to the dream of safety
and the big unknown, she has become a societal failure amongst
women and families.
Juggling every month between
rent, utility bills, auto insurance, new shoes for the kids and
food; something’s got to give. Some things have got to go.
If I took on another job, my children would never see me. I would
be working from 7:30 in the morning until 10:30 at night. The state
would consider me neglectful as a parent. Funny how the kids’ father
not paying support does not make him neglectful of being a parent.
This is because I have failed as a woman, as a wife, and I must
be punished. Hardship is the punishment for my decision to leave.
Attempts to get state assistance render me a welfare woman. Adding
more shame to insult and fear.
As a single parent woman,
I know how our society views me and my children. Well-meaning friends
and family try to introduce me to nice men. “All you need
is a nice man in your life”. What is being communicated is
that until I find a nice man, my life, my family will have no value
and no place within this society. And more importantly, how could
I possibly be happy in my life until I find this nice man. If I
ever dare to date, I am again struck by the other edge of the sword
that tells me that I should not be complicating my children’s
already chaotic world by bringing a man into it. Further more, “shouldn’t
I be home with my children?”
There is a double edge
sword in our society. It is simple. Play by the social rules of
marriage and legitimate family, or we will punish you by forcing
you into severe poverty with no recourse for the support that is
due you by law. Unless you have a partner standing next to you,
you will be scrutinized, judged and condemned with distrust and
shame. Your children will also suffer, not from the divorce, or
my choice to go it alone, but simply because they “chose” you
as their mother.
To save society the trouble;
I have embroidered a lovely “H” for “hoyden” on
my daily dress, and have bled enough due to the double-edge blade
of the sword of social defiance. I am alone, happy, safe and free.
As are my children, as we sit eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
under candle light as the sun slips beneath the horizon.
mmo : July
McDowell is Psychic Surgeon of Insanityhouse, Inc.
Partner Suitable of RaiseTheNation.org.