work and equality
The arbitrary segregation
of care work from the mainstream of productive labor has widespread
repercussions for women. Since care work, whether paid or unpaid,
remains largely the responsibility of women, men tend to be far
less encumbered by the more time-intensive demands of family life.
In a society that stresses individual achievement and autonomy,
men and women with limited caregiving obligations have greater opportunities
to advance their personal stature through paid employment and civic engagement. Women who devote substantial time to caring for children
or other dependents are typically swept to the side of the central
track, and they are more likely to suffer economic and other hardships
as a result. The marginalization of mothers may not be the consequence
of a conspicuous disregard for motherhood (which is lauded
by conservatives and liberals alike as “the most important
job in the world”), but it clearly creates a major obstruction
on the road to women’s equality.
The dismissal of care
work as the by-product of maternal preoccupation has larger implications
for the future of humanity: by obscuring the importance and function
of care as a normal, predictable and necessary part of everyone’s
life, our culture perpetuates an outlook based on an underestimation of the
complexity of the human condition and denial of the full scope of human
America is in love with notion of independence and self-sufficiency. Our national
ethos celebrates uncompromising individualism as the key to personal and social success. As a society, we embrace a
concept of personal responsibility that represents functional and
emotional autonomy as the apex of individual development. We raise our
children to be honest, respectful and productive, but our principal
obsession is to raise our children to be independent and self-reliant. (4)
There is just one catch:
even the most strident self-made man or woman requires a prolonged
period of continuous, attentive care at the beginning— and
usually at the end— of life. Individualistic independence
for all is a lofty goal, but it may not be a realistic or humane one. Social
life is simply not that one-dimensional, nor would we necessarily
want it to be. In every living person of any age, the potential
for independence is intrinsically linked to dependency and interdependence.
The balance of independence, interdependence and dependency will shift over the course of an individual’s lifetime, but the
three states always co-exist and are inseparable. Rather than accepting
the duality of capacity and need as an ordinary aspect of well-developed
adulthood, it has become both culturally and politically fashionable
to reject the state of dependency and interdependency as substandard,
pathological and morally weak.
As the primary caregivers
in society, mothers bear the brunt of this half-formed ideology.
To care for a dependent child, or any dependent person, involves
a transmission of some of the other’s dependency— unremunerated
time spent caring for young or frail family members is time that
cannot be used in any other way, such as earning a wage, creating
a masterwork, or prioritizing one’s own needs and ambitions.
Since we’ve come to view dependency as a lesser state of being,
people who care for dependents as part of their daily work are frequently
seen as less than fully capable, regardless of their actual level
of competence. (5)
In our culture, we also
maintain the belief that good care is characterized by a mutual
relationship between the care-giver and the cared-for, and that
care work involves some degree of emotional attachment as well as
practical skill. This is unquestionably true, but even the modest
break-down in male and female roles to date provides irrefutable
evidence that women are not the only ones with the capacity to create and sustain caring connections. To transfer full responsibility
for the routine care of dependent children to one segment of society
on the basis of sex is neither fair nor sensible. Nor is it especially
beneficial to children. (6)
Unfortunately, we’ve
been managing gender and family this way for well over two hundred
years. Resistance to change is strong and steadfast; it is both
politically and economically expedient to drop the responsibility
for unpaid caregiving squarely into the maternal lap. Mothers today
are caught between their need for a larger and more equitable life
and social pressures to provide an ideal environment for their children’s
development (which, according to present-day standards of optimal child-rearing, is expensive, labor intensive, time consuming and
often emotionally exhausting).
Although certain policy
issues rise to the top of discussions about maternal inequality —
including paid parental leave, access to affordable high-quality
child care, improved legal standards for equity in divorce, social
insurance for caregivers who are not in the workforce, and flexible
employment practices that don’t exclude caregivers from good
jobs with good pay— there is as yet no collective agreement
about how to rectify the larger social problems that affect mothers
as a group.