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Family Values as Political Concept by Louise M. Bishop

page two

Part Two:
The family– affect and economics

History does seem important when talking about family, and my snapshot of Augustan Rome is meant to alert us to how vital the nexus of family has been to political action and political decisions, from the power of the Anglo-Saxon kin group, waging war throughout the island, to Queen Victoria’s nine children, bringing hemophilia to Europe's royal families (her two carrier daughters produced four carrier granddaughters, including Alix, wife of Czar Nicholas II). But while history may seem remote, family isn’t. When I meditate on what “family” means, I recognize that everyone has one. Even in its absence, family has meaning insofar as generation and parenthood incontrovertibly exist. Of course, the mere fact of existence doesn’t produce meaning. Rather, meaning comes from the imaginative structures of our thoughts and feelings. These thoughts and feelings inculcate and reflect a society’s values; consequently, these structures translate into action— in the case of Augustus, into laws as well as into Virgil’s poetry. Certainly the definition of family runs a gamut of meaning for current American culture, much of which responds to historical change. I’m not going to present an exhaustive “since the beginning of time” survey of the creation of “family” but I can suggest how “family” gets its meaning and power. I’d like to propose two things that help explain the power of our feelings when it comes to family, and the vested interest the state has in that definition and in those feelings. I hope in this way to help us recognize and assess the challenges and attractions of the political uses of family values rhetoric.

I think there are two constants in the structure of our imaginations concerning family. First, the family is the original nexus of affect, of emotion, for just about everyone (and the lack of family also affects our emotional attachments). The nuclear family has been the center of that emotional nexus for about the past three hundred years. The other constant is that the nuclear family, in its creation and persistence, has become the state’s prime economic unit. The family, in particular the nuclear family, is thus the center of affect, and the center of economics. No wonder it pulls at both our heartstrings and our purse strings.

You don't have to be a Freudian analyst to recognize the essential part family plays in engendering a human being’s first emotional responses, and in shaping those responses in a host of different ways. Freud called it “The Family Romance” and my gushy sentimentality in response to images of family— especially in my post-partum state— has a remote origin and a deep resonance from my own childhood that cannot be eliminated or ignored, while it is also devilishly difficult to dissect. Modern American consumer culture does not ignore the kind of knee-jerk affection the word “family” can’t help but inspire; instead, it capitalizes on it. Secular culture’s search for “family values” often satisfies commercial ends: positive feelings toward family are used to sell soap. Nevertheless, modern American consumer culture shows its ambivalence about “family values” when motion pictures with a G rating tend to flop at the box office, despite an avowed attention to “family values.” Yet, to be “against families” is virtually unthinkable, an accusation meant to destroy. Conversely, to paint a policy or program as anti-family is essentially to sink it like a stone. Family values rhetoric, in its simplest form, depends on one thing: a seemingly static, universally understood, and unchanging definition of “family.”

I want to discuss contemporary American definitions of family and the changes that a “family values” rhetoric means to mask— I’m going to suggest that the definition of family today is far from static and that a more versatile definition of family promotes gender equity and women's freedom— yet, first, I think it’s important to look at a major change the definition of family underwent about three hundred years ago. The change is a shift in Anglo-European culture towards the “nuclear family.” A number of large social upheavals worked together to effect the change that made the nuclear family the primary imaginative as well as socio-political, economic unit in the polity. Those shifts included the Industrial Revolution and, in Marxist terms, the growth of the proletariat; changes in governmental structure and an increasing secularization of government in the West; and, most importantly for our purposes, the reification of sentimentality and emotion directed into marriage.

You probably have heard in your college literature classes about the intersections between the sentimental novel and ideas about individual fulfillment, if not the creation of the individual. A single shift in domestic practice made a huge difference in the understanding of the self and the self-in-marriage. Inspired by the troubadour love songs, translated into action in the sixteenth century and continuing to its full flower in the eighteenth century—the play Romeo and Juliet typifies this pattern— marriage changed from an arrangement between parents to an arrangement between partners based on love. No longer was marriage the business of matching family fortunes (a practice that itself presupposes more expansive lines of influence for a family) but the business of finding someone to love. Of course, “the course of true love did never run smooth,” and there are plenty of stories about the conflicts attendant upon this change in Anglo-European society, from low to high. In the survey of literature I teach at the college level, with readings that run from Gilgamesh to Arundhati Roy, I spend a lot of time in the middle term, which treats the high Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment— the 14th through 18th centuries— showing my students how the literature we’re reading tracks that change— a BIG change, I tell them— in the way marriage is conceived and practiced in Euro-Anglo society.

The change from the arranged marriage to marriage for love is fraught with complications. We read a 1678 novel, the Princess of Cleves, where our heroine marries at the behest of her family but falls in love with someone else— her virtue lies in her remaining chaste, unlike the other libidinous courtiers, both male and female, whose official affairs, like the king’s, reflect courtly behavior negotiating the competing interests of family— “family values”?— and individual emotions. My students ask me, “What does it mean to shift from marriage for family to marriage for love?” It’s only in researching this Fortnightly paper (1) that I’ve gotten clear on the ramifications that change has had in our ideas about self and family in the last three hundred years. The idea that we marry for love, and that love is the way we most effectively discover ourselves— that’s our Romantic inheritance from the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries— produces a certain tension that drives at the heart of the current “family values” rhetoric.

That tension has to do with the idea of self-fulfillment. Literature from the early Middle Ages shows that finding yourself didn't have to do with finding a marriage partner: your choice of spouse— certainly your choice as it had to do with your emotions— was not the major component of marriage negotiations. But once marriage choice was based primarily on love, the Pandora’s box called variously “self-fulfillment” or “self-actualization” was opened up, never to close again. What if, in the process of self-fulfillment, you find another way, or another partner with whom to be self-fulfilled? And what about “staying together for the children”? I have found lots of contradictory reports on the effects of divorce on children's emotional well-being (the effect on boys has been getting the lion’s share of popular attention lately), but the most recent things I've read suggest that differences, when considered in light of individuals’ contribution to society, remain unproven— there are plenty of contradictory research findings.

But what about that “self-fulfillment” issue and “staying together for the children”? Social upheaval between 1970 to 2000 certainly reveals a near-tidal wave of social change on the marriage front. On the one hand, the last thirty years have seen a profound shift in the divorce rate: it “jumped very significantly between 1970 and 1975, peaked in 1981, and since then has been declining back to the 1975 level of 4.7 divorces per 1,000 married couples per year” (Young, 537). And, as mentioned throughout this essay, the number of children living with only their mothers has changed dramatically, more than doubling in that thirty-year span, from 10% to 22.8%. But, on the other hand, here's a striking statistic— “in the past, the great majority of single mothers were divorced and raising children from those unions. Now fully 43.3% have never been married” (Hacker, 64). One study by the Russell Sage foundation, reported in the book Out of Wedlock, avers that “about half of all children are predicted to spend some time in a single-parent family” (Hacker, 65). As with the changing situation in Europe, where the stigma of a mother's unmarriedness has lessened, if not evaporated, so in the United States the requirement of married status has lost some of its social force for mothers. The economic deterrents remain, of lesser magnitude in Europe as Lyall’s article points out: for European political decision-makers, the support of children is the primary factor motivating policy.

So are the social changes of the last thirty years the unhappy result of that fabled, now decried “culture of narcissism” lambasted in the conservative press? And is family values rhetoric and a return to father-headed households a necessary corrective to self-realization and individualism run amok? The new familialists say “Yes,” and blame “expressive individualism,” along with decreased gender-role differentiation and a “volunteer theory of moral obligation” for the ills of the American family (Struening, 139). Yet, in a wider view of history that looks at the last 300, rather than the last 30 years, the change that made over marriage from a family decision— which it remains to this day in many parts of the world, including India— into a primarily affective choice paved the way for individual expression and self-fulfillment to become reasons to break the marriage bond. While the new familialists argue for a return to marital stability at virtually any emotional, if not economic, cost, Americans— and their European counterparts— have been finding other ways to negotiate and handle the changed valuation of individual self-realization of the last thirty years: much to the horror of “traditional” morality, they have been de-linking marriage and childbearing. Lyall tells us of Marit Arnstad, of Norway. “An unmarried member of Parliament, she became pregnant while serving as the country’s oil minister, and is now raising her son on her own. Norway’s crown prince, Haakon, lived with his girlfriend, a single mother with a toddler, before marrying her.”

While the first-world nations of Europe have met the changed status of marriage with continued economic support for single mothers, American policy has been to punish the single mother— even as the entertainment networks parade for profit the children of superstar single moms, such as Madonna, Jodie Foster, and Rosie O’Donnell. O’Donnell presents an especially pointed case at this very moment because she ventured out of the closet two years ago in order to support the efforts of a gay couple— two male nurses— to legally adopt a boy with HIV for whom they’ve cared for the last ten years. Here then we circle back to the beginning of this paper's meditations and part three of its argument: what is the family values political debate about REALLY?

Part 3:
It's about gender, stupid.

As I medievalist, I know that rhetoric is often— let us say, rather than “false,” “nostalgic.” For instance, Chaucer, in his Canterbury Tales, evokes the rhetorical social paradigm of the three estates— clergy, nobility, and everyone else—at a time when that tripartite division had evaporated in practice from the London society to whom, and about whom, Chaucer writes. Today's “family values” rhetoric harks back to a gender order that, to use Nancy Fraser's words,

descends from the industrial era of capitalism and reflects the social world of its origin. It was centered on the ideal of the family wage. In this world, people were supposed to be organized into heterosexual, male-headed nuclear families, which lived principally from the man's labor market earning. The male head of the household would be paid a family wage, sufficient to support children and a wife and mother, who performed domestic labor without pay. Of course, countless lives never fit this pattern. Still, it provided the normative picture of a proper family (591).

Of course that normative pattern still has force in a culture's imaginative picture of itself, especially in those slow-moving, commercial institutions wary of change. But now, and in increasing numbers, real “family values” that pay attention to the importance for children’s welfare of “attentive love, nurturance to emotional, intellectual, and moral maturity, relative stability and orderly change” are found, as Nancy Young points out, in “a plurality of family forms: gay and lesbian families, single-parent families, blended families, nuclear families, extended families” (553). What makes these kinds of families challenging is that they are different, and such difference engages our emotions as well as the government's welfare rolls:

The new familialists have spoken directly to the anxiety over family change and have been successful in shaping the national debate over the family. As a result, much of the family debate is concerned not with how all households can attain an adequate standard of living, health care, and housing, but with how the intact two-parent family can be fortified. Much of the mainstream media dutifully reports new familialist claims that poverty is caused by nonmarital births and that single parent households are largely responsible for crime, high school dropout rates, and drug use… shifting the debate away from explanations of poverty that highlight its structural roots onto those that emphasize family composition and structure (Struening, 137).

Given the great disparity in earnings, in wealth, why would any woman choose NOT to live with a husband? This is, of course, the place where the many strands of thinking I’ve been spinning in this paper all come together. Not a small number of women escape from abusive relationships— that’s been one of the changes in the last thirty years. Not a small number of women who, like men, see partnership as their way to self-discovery and self-fulfillment—and also see their own mental and emotional happiness as affecting their children— find themselves (in both senses of the word) in lesbian relationships. It is these and other non-normative families, no matter how supportive of children, that make the proponents of a simplistic “family values” nervous because, as did those men in Augustus’s Rome, they fear removing women from the sphere of male influence. That’s the last piece of my argument. Columnist Ellen Goodman has pointed to the radical disconnect in the Bush administration’s ostensible support of Afghan women for whom, to the best of its abilities, the administration simultaneously denies support for reproductive choice. Goodman quotes Adrienne Germain of the International Women’s Health Coalition: “If women can’t control their own bodies, make their own decisions about when to have children and how many to have, they have difficulty getting an education or employment. If they are forced to have sex, denied information and protection about sexual diseases, it limits how they can be and act in the world.” What Goodman clearly sees is the intimate connection between women’s freedom to reproductive choice and family values. What Jerry Falwell’s coded “family values” really wants to curtail, if not obliterate, is women's freedom.

All change is nervous-making: they knew it in Augustan Rome, they knew it in the court of Henri II, and J. Edgar Hoover knew it as well as Martin Luther King Jr. did. How we think about change, how we react to change, as well as our staying alert to the way our politicians react to change defines the character of a polity. The ideals of the secular American polity are freedom, justice, and equality. Those ideals don’t change— their instantiation does. As Karen Struening says, “it should be recognized that the cultural changes the new familialists condemn have made new kinds of fulfilling lives, identities, communities, and family forms possible. Individuals, especially gays, lesbians, and all women, who historically have been shut out of or frustrated with the conventional family are able to form intimate associations that give them what they need and want” (139). Or, as Iris Young puts it, “Attitudes and institutional assumptions that are unfairly biased toward heterosexual two-parent families put burdens and stresses on many families that others do not face, which sometimes make it more difficult for them to raise children well. Injustices in the economic system and workplace structures prevent many families, including many single-parent families, from giving their children material comfort and the resources they need to develop their capacities. In light of such prejudices and unjust inequalities, the primary way that public policy should promote family values is by facilitating material and social supports to enable all families to be as excellent as possible” (553). The political capital of “family values” in Europe— “old Europe”— supports children and parents without a lick of nostalgia. I hope that the American polity can someday do the same.

mmo : april 2004

Louise Bishop teaches literature at the Clark Honors College at the University of Oregon. She received her PhD in English from Fordham University in 1984 (the same year her first child, a daughter, was born), and lived in the Bronx, New York before moving to Oregon with her husband and children in 1987. While her primary academic interest is medieval English literature, she has taught courses ranging from ancient to modern, and publishes on medieval literature and feminism. Her daughter currently attends the New School in New York City, majoring in cultural studies with an emphasis on gender. Her son will graduate high school this spring and will enter the Clark Honors College as a freshman in Fall 2004.

Works Cited:

Fraser, Nancy. “After the Family Wage: Gender Equity and the Welfare State.” Political Theory 22:4 (1994), 591-618.

Goodman, Ellen. “All women must control their bodies.” The Register-Guard, Eugene, OR, Sunday, March 24, 2002, Commentary section.

Hacker, Andrew. “How Are Women Doing?” New York Review of Books, April 11, 2002, pages 63-66.

Jones, A.H.M. Augustus. W.W. Norton, 1970.

Lyall, Sarah. “Out-of-wedlock parenting loses its stigma.” The Register-Guard, Eugene, OR, March 24, 2002, page 1.

Struening, Karen. “Feminist Challenges to the New Familialism: Lifestyle Experimentation and the Freedom of Intimate Association.” Hypatia 11:1 (1996), 135-54.

Young, Iris. “Mothers, Citizenship, and Independence: A Critique of Pure Family Values.” Ethics 105:3 (1995), 535-79.

1. Editors note: This essay was originally presented in April, 2002 at the Fortnightly Club, a 110-year-old “women's study club” in Eugene Oregon. (back)

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