Thanks to Katy Read for the catchphrase "the problem that stays the same" from her review of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique in the Summer 2006 issue of Brain, Child Magazine.
1. "Homeward Bound" was published under the editorial guidance of American Prospect Deputy Editor Sarah Blustain.
2. In Dear Sisters: Dispatches from the Women's Liberation Movement, Rosalyn Baxandall and Linda Gordon, editors. Basic Books, 2000.
3. Survey results are from a two-year survey of 3, 300 women commissioned by the Center for the Advancement of Women and conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates in 2001 and 2003. Progress and Perils: New Agenda for Women, Center for the Advancement of Women, 2003.
4. Pelota, P., Milkie, M., and Presser, S., "The 'Feminist' Mystique: Feminist Identity in Three Generations of Women," Gender & Society, Volume 18 No. 1, February 2004.
5. Susan Moller Okin, "Plato and the Greek Tradition of Misogyny," "Philosopher Queens and Private Wives," and "Female Nature and Social Structure," Women in Western Political Thought, Princeton University Press, 1979, pages 15 - 70.
6. Donald J. Hernandez, "Changes in the Demographics of American Families over the Course of American History," Unfinished Work: Building Equality and Democracy in an Era of Working Families, Jody Heymann and Christopher Beem, editors. The New Press, 2005. |